Domestic Violence

The term domestic violence refers to abusive behavior in any personal relationship that allows one partner to intimidate, or to gain power and control over the other. This is often thought of to occur between married spouses or in other intimate relationships, but actually refers to any family relationship, or persons living in the same home. Domestic violence includes physical, […]

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Emancipation is a family law term that describes the process by which a child may become independent of his parents or guardians for legal purposes. The judicial process of emancipation confers on the minor the responsibility for his own welfare, assuming he is self-supporting. When a minor is granted emancipation from parents, he takes on the rights, privileges, responsibilities, and […]

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Community Property

Community property is a family law term used to refer to all of the personal and real property that a couple acquires during their marriage, which legally belongs to both spouses. If the couple divorces, the community property must be divided and distributed to the parties. The goal in most cases is to achieve an equitable division of the community […]

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Child Custody

The term “child custody” refers to the legal and hands-on relationship between a parent and his or her child. Custody includes the parent’s right to raise, care for, and make decisions regarding the child. The natural state is for the child’s biological parents to make all decisions involving the child’s residence, healthcare, education, and religious upbringing. However, when couples separate, […]

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An annulment is a legal procedure that dissolves a couple’s marriage, though it differs from a divorce in that it restores the couple’s status to how it was before the marriage occurred, as though it had never taken place. For some people, divorce is not allowed by their religion, or carries a stigma. Additionally, some people find it easier to […]

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Child Abuse

Federal and state laws paint the issue of child abuse with a broad brush, including any type of cruelty inflicted on a child. This includes physical and child sexual abuse, mental abuse, psychological abuse, and exploitation. Specific crimes that may be charged under the umbrella of child abuse may include, among other things, assault and battery. Children subjected to the […]

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Alimony, also known as “spousal support” or “spousal maintenance,” refers to the obligation of an individual to provide their spouse with financial support after a separation or divorce. Traditionally, alimony was the sole obligation of a husband, but in modern times, wives can be responsible to pay support to their husbands, especially in cases where her income is considerably higher […]

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Marital Abandonment

In law, the term “abandonment” may be used in a variety of legal issues, from contract law to real estate law, referring to the giving up or renunciation of an interest, privilege, possession, or right, with the intent of never reclaiming it. As the term applies to matters of Family Law, an individual may abandon a marriage, spouse, child, or […]

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