Concurring Opinion

In courts where more than one judge, or “justice,” hears cases, such as a state or the federal Supreme Court, or some appellate courts, a majority agreement is required to make a ruling one way or another. In the event some of the judges agree with the decision of the majority, though for different reasons, those judges may write a […]

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In most legal jurisdictions, an “appellee” is a legal party who has won at trial, but against whom the loser (the “appellant”) of the trial has filed an appeal with a higher court. Once an appeal has been filed, the appellee must file a response to the appellant’s legal brief. In some jurisdictions, the appellee is referred to as the […]

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Judicial Review

In the United States, the courts have the ability to scrutinize statutes, administrative regulations, and judicial decisions to determine whether they violate provisions of existing laws, or whether they violate the individual State or United States Constitution. A court having judicial review power, such as the United States Supreme Court, may choose to quash or invalidate statutes, laws, and decisions […]

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