INS v. Chadha

Following is the case brief for INS v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919 (1983) Case Summary of INS v. Chadha: Respondent Chadha overstayed his visa in the U.S. Although he was deportable, the Attorney General allowed certain deportable immigrants to remain in the U.S., including Chadha. A federal immigration law, however, gave either chamber of Congress the ability to veto an […]

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Bowsher v. Syner

Following is the case brief for Bowsher v. Synar, Supreme Court of the United States, (1986). Case summary for Bowsher v. Synar: Congress passed the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control act (the/an act). The act assigned congress the power to remove the officer holding the position as Comptroller General for showing malfeasance, inefficiency and neglect of duty. Congressman Synar filed […]

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Dickerson v. United States

Following is the case brief for Dickerson v. United States, 530 U.S. 428 (2000). Case Summary of Dickerson v. United States: Petitioner, prior to his criminal trial, moved to suppress a statement he made because he was never given his Miranda warnings.  The District Court granted the motion. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed.  The Fourth Circuit held that the […]

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Barron v. Baltimore

Following is the case brief for Barron v. Baltimore, 32 U.S. 243 (1833). Case Summary of Barron v. Baltimore: Barron, a co-owner of a once-profitable wharf in Baltimore Harbor, sued the Mayor and City of Baltimore.   Barron claimed that city expansion resulted in sand accumulating at his wharf, making it lose all value. The trial court’s decision in Barron’s favor […]

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