Voluntary Manslaughter

Voluntary manslaughter is a crime that occurs when someone kills another person with no prior intent to harm or kill, but under a sudden circumstance that made him mentally or emotionally distraught. Voluntary manslaughter is often referred to as killing in the “heat of passion.” The difference between voluntary manslaughter and murder is often the provocation to kill. To explore […]

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Involuntary Manslaughter

Involuntary manslaughter is the unintended killing of a person while committing a crime, or acting in a reckless or negligent manner. This type of homicide is committed without malice or intent, even accidentally, and is considered a less serious crime than murder. To explore this concept, consider the following involuntary manslaughter definition. Definition of Involuntary Manslaughter noun. The unintentional killing […]

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Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another human being that occurs when a person kills another, without intent, malice, or forethought. In other words, the killing must have been without prior thought to do harm, or must have occurred “in the heat of passion.” Manslaughter is considered a less culpable crime than murder in most states. To explore this concept, […]

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