Roper v. Simmons

Following is the case brief for Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005). Case Summary of Roper v. Simmons: Simmons, age 17, planned and committed a capital murder.  He was sentenced to death.  His direct appeal and petitions for relief were rejected. When the Supreme Court decided Atkins v. Virginia in 2002 (barring executions for the mentally disabled), Simmons filed a new […]

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The term delinquency refers to either something that is late in being done, such as making a late credit card payment, or to improper or criminal behavior. In a legal context, delinquency is most often used in reference to the disorderly or illegal actions engaged in by a youth. Juvenile delinquency is grouped into two categories, one more serious than […]

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In law, restitution is often ordered by a court in order to achieve fairness, preventing the unjust enrichment of one party to a civil lawsuit. In addition, restitution is often ordered in criminal sentencing, requiring the defendant to make monetary amends, or perform some act that benefits the victim of the crime, or the public in general. Restitution in a […]

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Sentencing Guidelines

Sentencing guidelines provide a system for handing down uniform or consistent sentences for similar crimes in various jurisdictions. Created by the United States Sentencing Commission to be incorporated in each state’s criminal code, sentencing guidelines help eliminate confusion among judges in determining the proper punishment for a person convicted of a crime. Sentencing guidelines take into consideration the nature of […]

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