Self Defense

The legal term self defense refers to a type of affirmative defense used to explain one person’s use of force against another person. For example, self defense describes a situation wherein one person reasonably uses force to defend himself against an attack by another person on the subway. A person might use non-deadly force, or deadly force, to defend himself, […]

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Affirmative Defense

Affirmative defense is a legal term that pertains to a defendant’s response to being accused of a certain crime. When an affirmative defense is used, the defendant is basically admitting he committed the crime of which he is accused, but is offering an explanation or justification for the incident. When successful, an affirmative defense can help reduce the defendant’s legal […]

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In Pari Delicto

The legal term in pari delicto is most commonly used in situations when both parties to a civil lawsuit are equally at fault for the wrongdoing. It basically means that, because both parties are equally to blame, the court will side with neither party. If the dispute is over possession of an item, the party in possession of the item […]

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