Bad Faith

The term “bad faith” is used to describe a person’s intent to defraud or deceive. The person may be defrauding or deceiving himself or another person. The concept of bad faith is often associated with “double heartedness,” which essentially means that while a person is acting one way, his intentions are more sinister than they may appear on the surface. […]

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In Pari Delicto

The legal term in pari delicto is most commonly used in situations when both parties to a civil lawsuit are equally at fault for the wrongdoing. It basically means that, because both parties are equally to blame, the court will side with neither party. If the dispute is over possession of an item, the party in possession of the item […]

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Illusory Promise

A contract containing a statement that gives the person making a promise no actual obligation to fulfill the promise is considered an “illusory promise,” or “illusory contract.” The language in this type of agreement is indefinite and unclear, making it uncertain whether the promising party must perform even if paid or compensated by the other party. This type of agreement […]

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