
The term blackmail describes the act of threatening to make someone suffer in some way unless they meet certain demands. Generally, it involves the threat of revealing embarrassing or damaging information about a person in order to coerce them to do something. Classified as a criminal offense, it a form of extortion. To explore the concept, consider the following blackmail […]

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The term “coercion” is used to describe the act of forcing or intimidating someone to do what you want them to do. At some point or another, most people have been subjected to coercion. For example, coercion is what every schoolyard bully uses when he tells another student to give up his lunch money to the bully or risk being […]

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Adhesion Contract

A contract of adhesion refers to a contract drafted by one party in a position of power, leaving the weaker party to “take it or leave it.” Adhesion contracts are generally created by businesses providing goods or services in which the customer must either sign the boilerplate contract or seek services elsewhere. To explore this concept, consider the following adhesion […]

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