Chain of Custody

The term chain of custody refers to the process of maintaining and documenting the handling of evidence. It involves keeping a detailed log showing who collected, handled, transferred, or analyzed evidence during an investigation. The procedure for establishing chain of custody starts with the crime scene. To explore this concept, consider the following chain of custody definition. Definition of Chain […]

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Forensic Scientist

When a crime is committed, physical evidence is gathered from the scene. The evidence is then sent to a laboratory where it is analyzed by skilled professionals known as forensic scientists. The results of the analysis can help law enforcement identify suspects and bring them to justice. Keep reading to learn more about the forensic scientist. What Does a Forensic […]

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Crawford v. Washington

Following is the case brief for Crawford v. Washington, United States Supreme Court, (2004) Case summary for Crawford v. Washington: Mr. Crawford was charged with attempted murder of a man who allegedly attempted to rape his wife. Crawford’s wife made statements to the responding officers, regarding the incident. At trial, the prosecution tried to use the statements against Crawford, since […]

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Hearsay Evidence

The term “hearsay” refers to an out-of-court statement made by someone other than the witness reporting it. For example, while testifying in John’s murder trial, Anthony states that John’s best friend told him that John had killed the victim. Anthony did not hear John make the admission firsthand, making testimony of this statement “hearsay.” To explore this concept, consider the […]

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Exclusionary Rule

The exclusionary rule prevents the government from presenting evidence in trial which was gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against illegal search and seizure. A doctrine commonly used in American courts, the exclusionary rule discourages police and other law enforcement agents from obtaining evidence illegally. The court will suppress or ban evidence that was gathered in violation of […]

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