
The taking of something of value, whether money or property, from someone through the use or threat of physical force is considered to be robbery. Robbery differs from the crime of burglary in that the victim must have suffered physical harm, or the fear of being harmed. While most people think robbery is a crime committed by bank robbers and […]

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Larceny is a crime that is committed when a person unlawfully takes personal property or assets belonging to another person. In some states, larceny and theft go hand in hand, but in others, there is a clear definition between the two. Larceny is considered a statutory offense and the exact charges can vary depending on the value of the property […]

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Embezzlement is a crime that takes place when a person purposely withholds or uses assets and monies for a purpose other than for what it is intended. Also referred to as “financial fraud” or “larceny,” embezzlement is typically committed by an employee who is in charge of an agency or company’s finances, or a person who has responsibilities pertaining to […]

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