
The term “recant” in the legal world means to formally take back or withdraw a prior statement. For example, recant occurs when a witness makes an official statement to, say, the police, and then formally withdraws that statement upon its presentation later in open court. Domestic violence victims sometimes recant their statements to the police when they fear the aftermath […]

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Sworn Statement

A sworn statement is a legal document that contains facts that are relevant to a court case. Sworn statements are different from affidavits, in that sworn statements are not usually signed or certified by a notary public. Sworn statements are typically entered into evidence for personal injury cases and other types of legal proceedings. To explore this concept, consider the […]

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An affidavit is a voluntary, sworn statement made under oath, used as verification for various purposes. The statement is witnessed and signed by a notary public or other law official authorized to do so. Once signed, the document is legally binding and the person signing is subject to being charged with perjury if the affidavit contains false information. To explore […]

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