Rules of Court

The court system in the U.S. is governed by sets of rules that specify how procedures in each court are processed and handled. Federal courts use the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, each state has specific rules for state courts, and local county, district, and municipal courts, adopt “local rules of court,” which are often based on the state’s rules. […]

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Dissolution of Marriage

The term dissolution of marriage refers to the ending of a marriage through legal proceedings, the same as divorce. In many jurisdictions, a couple may file a petition for the court to terminate their marriage pursuant to a written agreement between the parties. Such an agreement must cover all issues pertaining to the dissolution, allowing the matter to be concluded […]

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Pet Custody

When a couple divorces, children are not the only subject of custody battles, as family pets often become the center of a dispute. While there are plenty of laws surrounding child custody, all of which take the best interests of children into consideration, pet custody laws deal with property. Unlike children, pets are considered personal property, rather than the valued […]

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Guardian ad Litem

The legal term guardian ad litem (“GAL”) refers to an individual appointed by the court to represent the best interests of a minor child in legal proceedings, such as divorce, child custody, child abuse and neglect, and parental rights and responsibilities cases. A guardian ad litem has a unique responsibility to the child, protecting only his interests in cases that […]

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Family Support

When a couple divorces, the responsibility to provide for the family’s needs still exists. A great gulf often exists between the financial needs, earning capacity, and actual income of the individual spouses. The courts maintain that both parties are entitled to maintain the standard of living enjoyed during the marriage, or as close to it as possible. Also, the lower-earning […]

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