DWI Lawyer

Driving while intoxicated (DWI), or under the influence (DUI) puts both the driver, and innocent people at risk. Not only is it dangerous, it is considered a criminal offense, and those charged with the crime can face severe consequences. A DWI lawyer is a legal professional that represents individuals charged with a DWI or DUI. Keep reading to learn more […]

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Child Endangerment

The term “child endangerment” is used to describe an act, or the failure to perform an act, that puts a child’s safety in danger. Examples of child endangerment can include any threats to a child’s physical, mental, or emotional wellbeing. Child abuse that is the result of child endangerment is typically charged as a misdemeanor, though abuse that results in […]

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Specific Deterrence

Specific deterrence is a type of punishment that is meant to discourage future criminal behavior in a person being charged with a crime. For example, specific deterrence is used to prevent an offender from committing the same crime in the future. Punishments associated with specific deterrence may include fines, prison sentences, or both, and the severity of the punishment typically […]

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Malice Aforethought

When a crime is committed with “malice aforethought,” this means that the crime was premeditated, and the perpetrator held malice for the victim. Put another way, malice aforethought can be defined as a crime being planned in advance, with the intention to kill or grievously harm another individual. Originally, proof of malice aforethought was a requirement in certain jurisdictions in […]

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