Goodridge v. Department of Public Health

Following is the case brief for Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, 798 N.E.2d 941 (Mass. 2003) Case Summary of Goodridge v. Department of Public Health: Seven same-sex couples were denied marriage licenses in the State of Massachusetts. They sued the government, stating that denying marriage to same-sex couples violates Massachusetts law. The state Superior Court granted the government’s motion […]

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Romer v. Evans

Following is the case brief for Romer v. Evans, United States Supreme Court, (1996) Case summary for Romer v. Evans: Colorado passed a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In response, voters passed Amendment two, an anti-protection law against discrimination. As representative, Evans brought suit against Governor Romer claiming the law violated the Equal Protection Clause of […]

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Segregation is the act of separating certain people or things from their main group, and keeping them isolated due to the characteristics of that group. In a legal sense, this includes separation due to such traits as race or religion. Insofar as American history is concerned, an example of segregation can be seen in the practice of separating black and […]

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Disparate Treatment

Disparate treatment is an element of employment discrimination. The term means that an employee was treated differently than other employees similarly situated, though in a legal sense, the different treatment must be based on the individual’s inclusion in a protected class. Discrimination is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution, and as such, the wronged person may take his case before the […]

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Affirmative Action

Affirmative action refers to a set of procedures implemented for the purpose of eliminating discrimination in educational and employment opportunities. Amounting to “positive discrimination,” the policy creates favor toward members of disadvantaged groups believed to have suffered discrimination in society. Affirmative action is the result of President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 executive order requiring government employers and contractors to “take […]

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