Garratt v. Dailey

Following is the case brief for Garratt v. Dailey, Supreme Court of Washington, (1955) Case summary for Garratt v. Dailey: Five year old Dailey moved a chair out from underneath Garratt, and as a result, Garratt fell breaking her hip. Garratt sued Dailey alleging a tortious battery. The trial court dismissed Garratt’s claim and Garratt appealed. The Washington Supreme Court […]

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Intentional Tort

A tort is a wrongful act in which harm or injury is caused to another person. The term “tort” covers a vast range of actions in tort law, and is divided into subcategories, which include “intentional tort.” Intentional tort occurs when a person intends to perform an action that causes harm to another. For intentional tort to be proven, it […]

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