Per Stirpes

The Latin term per stirpes is commonly used in estate planning to describe how a person making a will would like his assets to be distributed. In case a family beneficiary dies before the will’s owner, a per stirpes distribution means that person’s portion of the assets go directly to that beneficiary’s heirs. There are other options if the will’s […]

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Paraphernalia is the term used to describe equipment, materials, or products used for specific activities. In the legal sense, paraphernalia is most commonly used to describe any items that are associated with the making, concealing, packaging, or using of illegal drugs for recreational purposes. Drug paraphernalia covers a wide range of items for various types of drugs, such as marijuana, […]

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Privileges and Immunities Clause

The Privileges and Immunities Clause of the U.S. Constitution seeks to ensure all people of the nation can travel freely throughout the states, without being treated in a discriminatory manner. Although each state in the newly formed nation maintained its autonomy, citizens needed to be able to expect to have the same rights as the people who lived in each […]

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Obscenity is a legal term that refers to anything that offends a person’s morals. This may be doing something that is indecent, lewd, or obscene. Obscenity is commonly used in reference to pornography, though it pertains to much more. The courts have found determining just what qualifies as obscenity, as it is subject to each individual person’s moral values. The […]

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Non Disclosure Agreement

A non disclosure agreement is a legal contract in which the parties involved agree to keep the information included private. This type of contract creates a confidential relationship between the parties, and protects the confidential or proprietary information outlined in the agreement, as breaching a non disclosure agreement generally subjects the party to severe civil penalties. To explore this concept, […]

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OASDI is a tax term that stands for “Old Age Survivors, and Disability Insurance,” which is the legal name for the Social Security system in the United States. OASDI is a federal benefit program aimed at providing benefits to retired or disabled people and their survivors. Working taxpayers make payments into the OASDI program, and those payments are then issued […]

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