
An affidavit is a voluntary, sworn statement made under oath, used as verification for various purposes. The statement is witnessed and signed by a notary public or other law official authorized to do so. Once signed, the document is legally binding and the person signing is subject to being charged with perjury if the affidavit contains false information. To explore […]

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Actual Authority

Actual authority allows a third party to act on behalf of, and engage in decision-making for a company or agency. Any authorization, decision, or act taken by the third party acting with actual authority is legally binding and enforceable within the courts.  To explore this concept, consider the following actual authority definition. Definition of Actual Authority Noun Specific powers granted […]

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Adhesion Contract

A contract of adhesion refers to a contract drafted by one party in a position of power, leaving the weaker party to “take it or leave it.” Adhesion contracts are generally created by businesses providing goods or services in which the customer must either sign the boilerplate contract or seek services elsewhere. To explore this concept, consider the following adhesion […]

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Litigation meaning in law When a person, business, or entity enters into a lawsuit, whether they have filed the lawsuit, or are responding to it, they are entering into a process known as “litigation.” Lawsuits or “actions” are brought before the court for the purpose of enforcing a particular right. The process of litigation is actually a series of steps […]

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Exclusionary Rule

The exclusionary rule prevents the government from presenting evidence in trial which was gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against illegal search and seizure. A doctrine commonly used in American courts, the exclusionary rule discourages police and other law enforcement agents from obtaining evidence illegally. The court will suppress or ban evidence that was gathered in violation of […]

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Arbitration is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution in which the parties work out the disputed issue without going to court. An impartial third party, known as an Arbitrator, is chosen by the parties to listen to their case and make a decision. The meeting takes place outside court, but is much like a hearing, in that both sides present […]

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