Prenuptial Agreement

A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract made between two people before they become married. The contract details the property rights of each party, as well as the financial remedies in the event that the couple divorces. Prenuptial agreements are also referred to as “prenups,” “antenuptial agreements,” or in modern cases, “premarital agreements.” Such agreements are designed to protect the […]

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Legal Separation

A couple that no longer wants to be married, but needs time to work out certain financial issues, may obtain a legal separation in most states. Also referred to as a “judicial separation,” a legal separation must be obtained through a court order, and is usually a prelude to actual divorce, though not always. It is not necessary to obtain […]

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Family Court

Family court is a delegation of authority from the states’ superior courts, tasked with hearing matters specific to family law, such as divorce and child custody. First established in the U.S. in 1910, the purpose of family law court is to provide families specialized services and obtain the best possible results in family law matters. Each state has specific laws […]

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Guardianship is a legal relationship established by the court in which a person is given legal authority over another person when he or she is unable to make safe and sound decisions regarding his or her person, or property. Legal guardianships commonly involve minor children, but may also be ordered for developmentally disabled adults, or incapacitated adults. To explore this […]

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative dispute resolution refers to any methods used to resolve a dispute between parties without resorting to litigation. Alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) may make use of a third party, such as a mediator, but it is not required. One of the benefits of alternative dispute resolution is that it reduces the load on an overburdened court system. In addition, it […]

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