Coker v. Georgia

Following is the case brief for Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584 (1977) Case Summary of Coker v. Georgia: Petitioner was convicted of rape and other violent offenses.  He was sentenced to death on the rape charge. The Georgia Supreme Court affirmed petitioner’s conviction and sentence. The U.S. Supreme Court reversed.  The Court held that the death penalty for the […]

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Sexual Battery

Sexual battery is a term describing a sexual crime that involves criminal sexual contact or touching. The difference between sexual battery and rape is that sexual battery does not involve intercourse or other kinds of forced sexual penetration. Sexual battery can occur while the victim is clothed, as well as unclothed. However, while some states use the term “sexual battery” […]

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Sexual Assault

The legal term sexual assault refers to any sexual contact that occurs without the express consent of the recipient. Whether the recipient is physically forced, or coerced to participate, or has refused or is unable to give consent, sexual assault is a serious crime. As a violent crime, sexual assault includes acts of rape, forced kissing or fondling, other non-consensual […]

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Rape is a crime in which sexual intercourse is committed without consent, through force, threats, or fearful intimidation. In most jurisdictions, the actual crime of rape requires actual sexual penetration. Some states however, have included non-consensual penetration by objects in their rape laws. To explore this concept, consider the following rape definition. Definition of Rape Noun Sexual intercourse with, or […]

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