Mincey v. Arizona

Following is the case brief for Mincey v. Arizona, 437 U.S. 385 (1978) Case Summary of Mincey v. Arizona: An undercover police officer and petitioner Mincey were shot during a drug bust. Mincey was tried and convicted of murder, assault, and drug offenses. Mincey’s motions to suppress the fruits of a four-day search of his home, and his statements while […]

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California v. Carney

Following is the case brief for California v. Carney, 471 U.S. 386 (1985) Case Summary of California v. Carney: Respondent provided marijuana to a youth in exchange for sexual favors in respondent’s motor home.  Following the transaction, federal agents entered the motor home without consent or a warrant. Respondent unsuccessfully moved to suppress the marijuana evidence, and then pleaded no […]

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United States v. Jones

Following is the case brief for United States v. Jones, 132 S. Ct. 945 (2012). Case Summary of United States v. Jones: Police placed a GPS device on defendant’s car without a warrant.  The evidence gathered was used in a trial that resulted in defendant’s conviction. The Court of Appeals reversed the conviction on Fourth Amendment grounds. The U.S. Supreme […]

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