
The term solicitation refers to a request for something, often money. Many people complain that their mailbox is full of solicitations from companies trying to sell them something, or charities asking for monetary donations. The term also applies to the act of appearing at people’s homes or businesses, usually uninvited, in an attempt to sell a product or service. In […]

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S Corporation

An S corporation is type of business entity that functions like a corporation, but is taxed like a partnership. All of the corporate income, losses, deductions, and taxes are paid by the shareholders, rather than by the corporation itself. When creating an S corporation, which is an option for corporations with fewer than 100 shareholders, the owner must charter the […]

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Search Warrant

A search warrant is a court order authorizing law enforcement officials to search an individual’s private residence or other premises for evidence of a crime. The search warrant also allows law enforcement officials to confiscate any evidence they find that is related to the crime. Search warrants are made necessary by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects […]

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Reserved Powers

In the U.S. Constitution, certain specific powers are granted to the federal government. The Constitution reserves all other powers to the states. These are known as “reserved powers.” The reserved powers clause is not found in the body of the Constitution itself, but is part of the Tenth Amendment. To explore this concept, consider the following reserved powers definition. Definition […]

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Reverse Discrimination

Reverse discrimination refers to discrimination against members of an historically majority, or “advantaged,” group. The term grew in popular use in the U.S. in the late 20th century, as legislation required special emphasis be put on offering advantages to minority populations, such as women, blacks and Hispanics, and the disabled. This legislative policy is referred to as “affirmative action.” To […]

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The term racketeering refers to the operation of a business that causes a problem, with the intent to offer to solve the problem. These problems involve illegal activities, and racketeering is just as illegal as the other party’s illegal business. Racketeering may include services to solve problems related to someone’s involvement in such unlawful activities as prostitution rings, gambling operations, […]

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