A Priori

The Latin term a priori refers to knowledge that comes from theoretical reasoning, rather than from actual observation or personal experience. In the term’s most basic use, a person could assume that, if Bobby went to Kindergarten at least six days, he went to Kindergarten more than five days. In its practical use, however, a priori describes knowledge that exists […]

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Hostile Work Environment

The phrase hostile work environment is a civil law term that refers to the behavior of an individual in a workplace that creates an environment that makes work difficult or uncomfortable for another person. This includes behavior that may leave another employee feeling afraid or violated. Such offensive behavior happens in many forms, including sexual harassment. To explore this concept, […]

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Citizen’s Arrest

A citizen’s arrest occurs when a person not acting as a sworn in law-enforcement official arrests another person. U.S. law allows ordinary individuals to detain another individual until law enforcement officers arrive in certain circumstances. In this manner, a citizen’s arrest may be made by detaining a person suspected of committing a crime, or by directing police officers to arrest […]

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Hit and Run

The term hit and run refers to an accident in which one driver leaves the scene without stopping to provide the required contact information, or being cleared to leave by authorities. Every driver involved in an accident of any type is required to follow certain procedures, which usually involve stopping to make sure nobody was injured, call for help, and […]

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Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits meaning in law Fringe benefits are on-the-job benefits that come in a form other than money. Fringe benefits, sometimes called “perks,” are offered by some employers to some employees, usually for the purpose of enticing highly qualified individuals to accept or maintain employment at their companies. This type of non-wage benefit is something counted as taxable income, depending […]

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False Advertising

As a legal term, false advertising refers to any published claim or advertising material that gives consumers an incorrect understanding or belief about a product or service being offered. False advertising, also referred to as “deceptive advertising,” is illegal according to both state and federal laws, even if the misleading advertising was made by mistake. To explore this concept, consider […]

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