
The term “seizure,” in the legal sense, can mean two things. Seizure examples can include the legal or forceful taking of something, such as evidence from a crime scene. Another seizure example is the act of physically overtaking or removing a person or object. To explore this concept, consider the following seizure definition. Definition of Seizure Noun The act of […]

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Katz v. United States

Following is the case brief for Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967). Case Summary of Katz v. United States: The FBI, using a device attached to the outside of a telephone booth, recorded petitioner’s phone conversations while in the enclosed booth. Petitioner was subsequently convicted of making wagering calls in violation of federal law. The FBI’s recordings were used as […]

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Exclusionary Rule

The exclusionary rule prevents the government from presenting evidence in trial which was gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against illegal search and seizure. A doctrine commonly used in American courts, the exclusionary rule discourages police and other law enforcement agents from obtaining evidence illegally. The court will suppress or ban evidence that was gathered in violation of […]

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