Property Damage

Property damage is defined as some harm that is inflicted upon someone’s property as the result of another person’s negligence, willful destruction of that person’s property, or by an act of nature. Flooding caused by a hurricane is an example of property damage caused by an act of nature. Unlike damages that are incurred from acts of nature, damages that […]

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Reasonable Reliance

The term reasonable reliance refers to, in the law, a person’s belief in a fact, which any reasonable person would believe as well. Reasonable reliance has its place primarily in contract law, though it applies in other situations in which one person took another’s word as true. To explore this concept, consider the following reasonable reliance definition. Definition of Reasonable […]

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Nuisance Lawsuit

The term nuisance lawsuit can refer to one of two types of lawsuits. The first is a tort lawsuit of the nuisance, which is a situation wherein the plaintiff claims that the defendant is causing a nuisance. The second is a frivolous lawsuit. A frivolous lawsuit involves a plaintiff bringing a lawsuit that serves as nothing more than a nuisance […]

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Positive Law

The term positive law refers to laws made by man that require some specific action. These are statutes, codes, and regulations that have been enacted by a legislature. By contrast, “natural law” refers to principles that are universal in society, governing moral acts. To explore this concept, consider the following positive law definition. Definition of Positive Law Noun Law enacted […]

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