Duncan v. Louisiana

Following is the case brief for Duncan v. Louisiana, United States Supreme Court, (1968) Case summary for Duncan v. Louisiana: Duncan was charged with simple battery and requested a jury trial. The court denied his request as the state only permitted jury trials for capital offenses and Duncan was found guilty. Duncan appealed his conviction, claiming the denial of his […]

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Plyler v. Doe

Following is the case brief for Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982). Case Summary of Plyler v. Doe: A Texas law denied free public education to children who were illegally in the country.  The law was challenged on constitutional grounds in federal court. The Federal District Courts, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, held that the Texas law violated the […]

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Hollingsworth v. Perry

Following is the case brief for Hollingsworth v. Perry, United States Supreme Court, (2013) Case summary for Hollingsworth v. Perry: Following the legalization of same sex marriage in California, voters passed Proposition Eight which amended the definition of marriage back to between a man and woman. Same sex couples, who wanted to marry, challenged the legislation bringing suit against state […]

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Fisher v. University of Texas

Following is the case brief for Fisher v. University of Texas, United States Supreme Court,(2013) Case summary for Fisher v. University of Texas: Fisher, a Caucasian woman, was denied admission into the University of Texas and challenged their admission procedures which included the consideration of an applicant’s race. Fisher alleged the procedure violated the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. The […]

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District of Columbia v. Heller

Following is the case brief for District of Columbia v. Heller, United States Supreme Court,(2008) Case summary for District of Columbia v. Heller: Heller challenged a D.C. statute, which prohibited the possession of a handgun without a license and trigger lock, claiming it violated the Second Amendment. Any guns possessed in the home were to remain inoperable. The Supreme Court […]

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Buckley v. Valeo

Following is the case brief for Buckley v. Valeo, United States Supreme Court,(1976) Case summary for Buckley v. Valeo: Senator Buckley brought suit against Federal Election Commission (FEC) representative, Valeo, in district court. Buckley alleged Congress did not have the authority to appoint commissioners of the FEC and that the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA) violated the First Amendment’s […]

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Romer v. Evans

Following is the case brief for Romer v. Evans, United States Supreme Court, (1996) Case summary for Romer v. Evans: Colorado passed a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In response, voters passed Amendment two, an anti-protection law against discrimination. As representative, Evans brought suit against Governor Romer claiming the law violated the Equal Protection Clause of […]

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Tennessee v. Garner

Following is the case brief for Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985). Case Summary of Tennessee v. Garner: Police officer shot and killed an unarmed fleeing suspect – Garner. Garner’s family sued, alleging that Garner’s constitutional rights were violated. The District Court found no constitutional violation.  The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed. The U.S. Supreme Court held that deadly […]

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Morse v. Frederick

Following is the case brief for Morse v. Frederick, United States Supreme Court,(2007) Case summary for Morse v. Frederick: Principal Morse suspended joseph Frederick for holding up a banner at a school event which read “Bong Hits 4 Jesus.” Frederick brought suit against Morse, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated. The district court held that the speech was […]

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Miller v. California

Following is the case brief for Miller v. California, United States Supreme Court, (1973) Case summary for Miller v. California: Marvin Miller produced a mass mailing campaign advertising adult books and films he had available for sale. Miller was convicted under the state’s criminal obscenity laws and appealed claiming his conduct was protected under the First Amendment. The Supreme Court […]

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