Child Abuse

Federal and state laws paint the issue of child abuse with a broad brush, including any type of cruelty inflicted on a child. This includes physical and child sexual abuse, mental abuse, psychological abuse, and exploitation. Specific crimes that may be charged under the umbrella of child abuse may include, among other things, assault and battery. Children subjected to the […]

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Alimony, also known as “spousal support” or “spousal maintenance,” refers to the obligation of an individual to provide their spouse with financial support after a separation or divorce. Traditionally, alimony was the sole obligation of a husband, but in modern times, wives can be responsible to pay support to their husbands, especially in cases where her income is considerably higher […]

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2nd Amendment

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution recognizes the need for a “well regulated Militia” to secure a free nation, and the right of the people to “keep and bear arms” for that purpose. The Amendment, adopted on December 15, 1791, as party of the Bill of Rights, pertains to the rights of individuals under federal law, but is […]

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In law, restitution is often ordered by a court in order to achieve fairness, preventing the unjust enrichment of one party to a civil lawsuit. In addition, restitution is often ordered in criminal sentencing, requiring the defendant to make monetary amends, or perform some act that benefits the victim of the crime, or the public in general. Restitution in a […]

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In the law, the term “negligence” refers to a failure of a person or entity to exercise a level of care necessary to protect others, whether in interest, or from physical harm, from actions or conditions that may cause them harm. Negligence most often comes into play concerning a person’s or entity’s actions, however it may also be an omission […]

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Intellectual Property

Intellectual property refers to creations of the human mind, whether creative or intellectual, such as art and designs, literary works, music, and the names, symbols, and images used in business. The ownership of intellectual property is categorized into four groups: copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secrets. Ownership of such property provides exclusive rights, providing the owner protection against unauthorized use […]

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Force Majeure

A French term that literally means a superior or irresistible power, “force majeur” is used in the legal system to refer to natural and unavoidable catastrophes that interrupt the expected course of events. Force majeure clauses are often found in contracts and insurance policies to protect the parties in the event duties cannot be performed due to causes outside the […]

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Defamation meaning in law Defamation is a legal term that refers to any statement made by a person, whether verbal or printed, that causes harm to another person’s reputation or character. A defamatory statement made in writing, or “published,” it is considered “libel,” a defamatory statement that is spoken is considered “slander.” Defamation is not considered a criminal act, but […]

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