Legal Counsel

The term legal counsel refers to the services provided by a person who studies or practices law. Used interchangeably with attorney or lawyer, it also describes someone who gives legal advice or represents clients in court proceedings. Sometimes, the term refers to an attorney that works exclusively for a company or agency. To explore this concept, consider the following legal […]

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Entertainment Lawyer

As technology has advanced over the years, it has led to exponential growth in the entertainment industry. While this growth has paved the way for new opportunities and careers, it has also opened the door to a myriad of legal issues. Entertainment lawyers are law professionals who represent the artists, employees, and companies involved in the entertainment industry. Keep reading […]

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Bankruptcy Lawyer

Bankruptcy is a legal process by which people or businesses can eliminate, or arrange to re-pay, their debts. A bankruptcy lawyer is an attorney who specializes in representing debtors (the people or businesses that owe money), or creditors (the people or businesses to whom money is owed) through the complex bankruptcy process. Read on to learn more about becoming a […]

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Civil Rights Lawyer

Lawyers are people with specialized knowledge, who help people with a variety of legal issues. A civil rights lawyer is specifically experienced in issues regarding human rights, social freedoms, and equality. Read on to learn more about becoming a civil rights lawyer. What Does a Civil Rights Lawyer Do? A civil rights attorney specializes in protection and expansion of people’s […]

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