Mental Anguish

The term “mental anguish” is used to refer to the psychological suffering that someone experiences as a result of, most commonly, a personal injury or other injury caused by another’s actions. Mental anguish, also called and “emotional distress,” can include anxiety, depression, trauma, or grief. Post-traumatic stress disorder, a form of mental anguish, can develop into serious problems if left […]

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Natural Person

The term “natural person” refers to a living human being, with certain rights and responsibilities under the law. By contrast,  a “legal person,” or an “artificial person,” is a group of people that is considered by law to be acting as a single individual. Both natural and legal persons are entitled to sue other parties and sign contracts. They can […]

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Malum in Se

The Latin term malum in se translates roughly to “wrong in itself,” or “evil in itself.” In the law, the phrase is used to refer to someone’s actions that are inherently wrong, or sinful by nature, regardless of regulations of laws. This is different from malum prohibitum, which refers to an act that is only wrong because it is prohibited […]

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Unjust Enrichment

Unjust enrichment is a term used to describe a situation wherein one party benefits at the other party’s expense, in a situation the law considers to be unjust. Unjust enrichment is usually used to describe benefits that are received either accidentally or in error, but which have not been earned, and ethically should not be kept. Unjust enrichment is typically […]

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Legal Brief

A legal brief is a document that makes an argument as to why the person filing the brief should win the case or otherwise see his motion granted. This document contains the issues in dispute, the facts of the matter, and arguments in support of the party’s position. A legal brief that is submitted with a motion can also be […]

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Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid pro quo harassment is a workplace situation wherein a manager promises an employee, or potential employee, something in exchange for a sexual favor. Examples of quid pro quo harassment situations involve a manager promising an employee a job, a raise, or a promotion in exchange for a sexual favor. Managers may also promise the employee that he or she […]

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