Romer v. Evans

Following is the case brief for Romer v. Evans, United States Supreme Court, (1996) Case summary for Romer v. Evans: Colorado passed a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In response, voters passed Amendment two, an anti-protection law against discrimination. As representative, Evans brought suit against Governor Romer claiming the law violated the Equal Protection Clause of […]

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Tennessee v. Garner

Following is the case brief for Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985). Case Summary of Tennessee v. Garner: Police officer shot and killed an unarmed fleeing suspect – Garner. Garner’s family sued, alleging that Garner’s constitutional rights were violated. The District Court found no constitutional violation.  The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed. The U.S. Supreme Court held that deadly […]

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New York Times Co. v. Sullivan

Following is the case brief for New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, United States Supreme Court,(1964) Case summary for New York Times Co. v. Sullivan: Sullivan was a public official who brought a claim against New York Times Co. alleging defamation. The trial court told the jury that the article contained statements which constituted slander per se and Sullivan was […]

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Morse v. Frederick

Following is the case brief for Morse v. Frederick, United States Supreme Court,(2007) Case summary for Morse v. Frederick: Principal Morse suspended joseph Frederick for holding up a banner at a school event which read “Bong Hits 4 Jesus.” Frederick brought suit against Morse, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated. The district court held that the speech was […]

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Miller v. California

Following is the case brief for Miller v. California, United States Supreme Court, (1973) Case summary for Miller v. California: Marvin Miller produced a mass mailing campaign advertising adult books and films he had available for sale. Miller was convicted under the state’s criminal obscenity laws and appealed claiming his conduct was protected under the First Amendment. The Supreme Court […]

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Lemon v. Kurtzman

Following is the case brief for Lemon v. Kurtzman, United States Supreme Court, (1971) Case summary for Lemon v. Kurtzman: Lemon brought suit against state official Kurtzman, claiming that a state statute providing government funding to non-secular schools violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. the district court dismissed Lemon’s case, in response, Lemon appealed to the United States Supreme […]

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Gregg v. Georgia

Following is the case brief for Gregg v. Georgia, United States Supreme Court,(1976) Case summary for Gregg v. Georgia: Gregg was convicted of murder and sentenced to the death penalty under a Georgia state statute. Gregg claimed the sentence violated the Eighth and 14th Amendment of the Constitution. The state Supreme Court affirmed the sentence for the murder conviction and […]

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Gonzales v. Carhart

Following is the case brief for Gonzales v. Carhart, United States Supreme Court, (2007) Case summary for Gonzales v. Carhart: After the passage of legislation banning partial-birth abortions, Dr. Carhart brought suit against the Attorney General claiming the legislation was unconstitutionally overbroad, because it failed to include an exception for the procedure when necessary to protect the health of the […]

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Engel v. Vitale

Following is the case brief for Engel v. Vitale, United States Supreme Court,(1962) Case summary for Engel v. Vitale: Vitale, in his official capacity, directed teachers to start off each day with a non-denominational prayer. Engel brought suit claiming such a practice violated the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and petitioned to the Supreme Court. The Court held that the requirement violated […]

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